Energy Audits are a clear way of reviewing and analyzing influencing factors in organisations looking for efficient and sustainable ways to save energy, decrease costs and improve performance.

The purpose of Energy Audits is to identify opportunities alongside our Pathway to Net Zero 4Rs approach. As part of the audits, we will model the building (or transport or process. respectively) and identify opportunities to reduce your carbon impact by managing consumption efficiently and considering options for low carbon & renewable generation.

If you can measure it, you can monitor it!

Read our guide to becoming Net Zero

Golden light over hills with wind turbines and electricity lines.

Energy Audits

The importance of audits

An Energy Audit including data analysis is the foundation to your Net Zero journey because your consumption data and known opportunities are important contributing factors. Additionally, with the outcomes of the audit, you could: 

  • Implement the identified opportunities for reduced energy spend and carbon impact
  • Roll out audits to the remainder of your building portfolio, other processes, or fleet
  • Continue the process and develop an Energy and Carbon Strategy
  • Become a more sustainable business.

Questions about Energy Audits?

Book a call with one of our experts

Sun setting behind a single tree.

How do Audits move you closer to Net Zero?

Audits are used to identify energy and carbon reduction and renewable efficiencies available within the portfolio, which is included in the bottom-up approach in scenario modelling.

How we can help

Energise delivers audits at two levels, depending on your organisation’s situation: either “Budget Cost” or “Investment Grade”. Here’s what you need to know:

  • A Budget Cost Audit provides a detailed foundation for taking a building, process, or fleet on the Pathway to Net Zero. We typically provide it to support reporting in compliance schemes such as ESOS.
  • The Investment Grade level provides a more detailed and accurate outcome, which can be used to kick-start an implementation programme.
Sun shining through branches of white flowers with a bee silhouette.


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