Carbon literacy helps us understand how our decisions affect the climate, and, in turn, how the changing climate will impact our lives on an individual, organisational, and global level.

Our carbon literacy training sessions are bespoke to your organisation, and to ensure we deliver the most useful information to those in attendance, we can tailor them by individual teams or departments too.

A carbon-literate organisation has the power

to make better-informed, more sustainable decisions

Snowy mountains with blue sky.

Carbon Literacy

What you need to know

Our training sessions are delivered in a way that works for you, whether that is in person, online, or through a hybrid approach.

Each session lasts between 1.5-3 hours and is delivered by one of ou specialist Net Zero consultants, so you can be sure that you will be receiving the most informed, up-to-date information on the current climate landscape.

Interested to learn more about carbon literacy?

Book a call with one of our experts

Sunny coastal view with plants framing the foreground.

How does carbon literacy move you closer to Net Zero?

A carbon-literate organisation has employees who understand the risks and opportunities presented by climate change and a net zero future. Therefore, carbon literacy enables organisations to take action and plan their journey to net zero emissions. 

It empowers all employees who take part to make more sustainable choices by providing them with the necessary tools and information to consider the climate in every decision.

How we can help

By the end of the session, attendees will be able to:

  • Confidently explain the science of climate change;
  • Describe what Net Zero is and why we need to limit warming to 1.5oC;
  • Discuss global and national commitments to limit warming;
  • Explain the role of businesses to limit warming;
  • Discuss climate-related risks and opportunities;
  • Argue the benefits and disadvantages of taking action;
  • Develop the foundations of a Net Zero strategy;
  • Justify the importance of measuring and disclosing organisational GHG emissions;
  • Motivate others to take action;
  • Communicate their carbon literacy to others.
Meadow of bluebells with a hill in the background.


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