Disclosure allows your company to get ahead of policy changes, mitigate risks, and uncover new opportunities. Leveraging our CDP consultancy expertise, we’ll guide your organisation through CDP reporting, effectively communicating your sustainability commitments and aligning with global demands for transparency.

CDP previously referred to as the Carbon Disclosure Project, is a non-profit platform that facilitates companies to disclose data related to climate change, water, and biodiversity. This critical platform is dedicated to showcasing corporate commitments towards transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

Our team of skilled CDP consultants are well-versed in the nuances of CDP reporting. We’re uniquely positioned to support your business in effectively leveraging the CDP platform to communicate your sustainability initiatives and contribute meaningfully to the global shift towards a low-carbon economy.

Get ahead of policy changes, mitigate risks and uncover opportunities

Read our end-to-end guide to CDP

Bright blue sky with yellow flowers in the foreground.

CDP Reporting

The importance of Climate Disclosure

Companies demonstrate their plans to transition to a low-carbon economy by submitting climate change-related data through CDP’s online portal. Disclosure helps you: 

  • Get ahead of regulatory and policy changes
  • Identify and tackle growing risks
  • Find new opportunities for action that your investors and customers worldwide are demanding.

Questions for our CDP team?

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Aerial image of waves breaking on a beach.

How does CDP move you closer to Net Zero?

Reporting through CDP is the perfect opportunity to identify opportunities in business practices. Companies must prove that their strategy addresses climate-related risks and opportunities and includes a costed Pathway to Net Zero. 

Climate disclosure is now integrated and more accessible to companies who need to comply with a variety of schemes. Recent changes to CDP requirements include updates to the disclosure platform, which now provides the mechanism for reporting in line with the TCFD recommendations. 

How we can help

Whether it’s a scoring gap analysis you need help with, a second pair of eyes to review your response before submission or you’re looking for a full response service, our team of consultants will be prepared to meet your organisation where it is at. Our team will be on hand to help you understand CDP’s system, scoring and timelines and identify opportunities as a result of disclosure.
Mountain landscape with orange trees on a sunny day.


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