Whistleblower Protection Policy
- Purpose: This policy establishes our company’s commitment to protecting whistleblowers who raise concerns in good faith. It is designed to ensure confidentiality, prevent retaliation, and promote an ethical and transparent organisational culture.
Scope: This policy applies to all stakeholders, including employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and other parties who interact with the company.
Commitment to whistleblower protection
We are committed to:
- Supporting and complying with The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) to encourage the reporting of concerns.
- Protecting whistleblowers from any form of retaliation, such as dismissal, discrimination, or harassment, for raising a legitimate concern.
- Maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the whistleblowing process.
Treating retaliation against whistleblowers as a disciplinary matter, which may lead to dismissal of those responsible.
Ground for whistleblowing
Whistleblowing concerns may include but are not limited to:
- Fraud, corruption, or financial misconduct.
- Criminal activities or violations of laws and regulations.
- Hazards or risks to public health and safety.
- Environmental harm.
- Violations of the company’s policies, ethical standards, or commitments.
Reporting Mechanisms: Stakeholders can report concerns through the following channels:
- Direct Reporting: Concerns may be reported to any Manager, Associate Director or Director.
- Confidential Reporting: Concerns can be submitted anonymously through a dedicated email address or an online form on our website.
- Third-Party Assistance: When appropriate, concerns may be raised through an independent third-party reporting mechanism.
All reports will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Whistleblower Protection Measures
1. Confidentiality:
- Information related to whistleblowing will only be shared on a need-to-know basis.
- Consent will be sought before sharing information with additional parties, except where required by law.
- The outcome of the process will remain confidential.
2. Non-Retaliation:
- Any form of retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited.
Individuals found retaliating will face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
3. Risk Assessment:
- The company will collaborate with independent third parties to assess risks to vulnerable stakeholders.
Periodic audits will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of whistleblower protection measures. Measures will be implemented to mitigate risks and safeguard whistleblowers.
Consequences of Retaliation
- Retaliation against whistleblowers is treated as a severe violation of company policy.
- Disciplinary measures, including potential dismissal, will be enforced against those found guilty of retaliation.
- Breaches of confidentiality during the grievance process will also result in disciplinary action.
Best Practices
To enhance whistleblower protection, we commit to:
- Providing training for staff handling grievances to ensure professionalism and confidentiality.
- Informing whistleblowers at the outset about who may need to be informed.
- Regularly reviewing and updating this policy in line with best practices.
- Collaborating with external experts when needed to ensure the effectiveness of this policy.
Reporting and Oversight
- All whistleblowing reports will be documented, reviewed, and addressed by a designated senior officer or an independent third party where necessary.
- Periodic audits will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of whistleblower protection measures.
Contact Information
- Email: speakup@energise.com
- Website: Contact Us