Science-based targets (SBTs) show how quickly an organisation needs to cut its GHG emissions to limit global warming to 1.5oC.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a globally recognised, UN-backed, body which defines and promotes best practice in setting ambitious emissions reduction targets aligned to climate science. Organisations can go through a process of achieving validation for their science-based targets, and when successful, will be listed on the SBTi website.

We can guide you through the latest SBTi criteria and help you develop your science-based targets to ensure they pass the SBTi validation check the first time.  

Logo of the Science Based Targets Iniative (SBTi) an organisation that validates targets to Net Zero

20% of the first 1000 organisations to set SBTs were supported by us

Hazy hills with wind turbines in the distance.

Science-Based Targets (SBTs)

What you need to know

Science-based targets are the best practice approach to reducing GHG emissions and limiting warming to 1.5oC. They are ambitious and require immediate action.

To be in line with climate science, the SBTi states that organisational emissions need to be halved by 2030 and reach Net Zero by 2050 at the latest.

By verifying your targets through the SBTi, you prove your commitment to making rapid, deep cuts to your emissions and that your targets have met the highest level of scrutiny.

Questions for our SBTs team?

Book a call with one of our experts

Wind turbines in the sea with the sun low in the sky.

How do science-based targets move you closer to Net Zero?

Science-based targets offer a clear pathway for organisations to reach Net Zero in a way that is aligned with our global carbon budget.

The SBTi has also developed the Corporate Net-Zero Standard, which clearly outlines the level of ambition companies need to aim for to limit warming to 1.5oC. The Standard sets criteria for setting near-term and long-term science-based targets for organisational scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

How we can help

Whether you’re an SME or a large organisation, we can support you through the target-setting journey.

We will help you submit your letter of commitment, select a base year, and calculate your company’s GHG emissions in line with standards set by the GHG Protocol. We will also work closely with you to set the boundaries of your targets, choose your target years, and calculate the emissions reductions needed to reach net zero by your target year.

Thousands of companies are already committed to reaching Net Zero and have set science-based targets and Energise is one of them! We have set our own 1.5oC-aligned target and you can see who else is taking action here:

A glacial river from above.


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