Achieving a credible Net Zero outcome will require not just an accelerated decarbonisation strategy, but you will also need to understand what actions you are going to take around offsetting and when.  

Action to reduce your emissions is the absolute priority in relation Net Zero, but some emissions are not able to be removed.

We can guide you through the complexities of the offsetting landscape journey and provide you full market access so you can ensure you are able to execute the offsetting element of your Net Zero strategy as cost effectively as possible. 

Offsets are only part of the answer, but they are a crucial part to get right, and we can help with that

Read our guide to becoming Net Zero

Skywards view of autumnal trees.


What you need to know

Offsets are available from a wide range of projects, which either avoid emissions or remove existing emissions from the atmosphere. Best practice is for your organisation to follow the Oxford Offsetting Principles and to ensure that any offsets you purchase are from a scheme approved by the International Carbon Reduction and Offsetting Alliance

To achieve carbon neutrality, you will need to offset your annual emissions, as well as having a carbon management plan in place, and have your neutrality validated by preparing a PAS2060 statement.

If you want to decide your offset strategy, purchase offsets or become carbon neutral, Energise can help

Book a call with one of our experts

Golden light over hills with wind turbines.

How does offsetting move you closer to Net Zero?

Net Zero requires that we all move closer to zero emissions, but to cover the “Net” element, we need to understand how we are going to mitigate the impact of the remaining emissions, either now or further down the line of our strategy. 

Offsetting covers that part of your journey. 

How we can help

Our offsetting/carbon neutrality services cover:

  1.  Strategy – developing a strategy for purchasing offsets, including a selection of types (avoidance/removals), how to ensure credibility, developing a communications plan, and understanding the likely phasing over time alongside your decarbonisation journey.
  2. Neutrality – supporting you in developing a carbon offsetting approach that is linked to becoming carbon neutral.  
  3. Purchase – acting as your purchasing partner, providing you market access via a selection of purchasing options including trading desks and specialist providers (e.g. tree planting).
Yellow flowers about to bloom on a sunny day.


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